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FT Island Album

Here is their second album.
Album Name : Colorful Sensibility 
Date of Released : 27 August 2008
Here is the track list and MV links, you may enjoy their songs.

Songs of this album : 
1. 사랑후애 (After Love) [ FT Island - After Love ]
2. 여자는 몰라 (Girls Don’t Know) [ FT Island - Girls Don't Know ]
3. 그대는 사랑입니다 (You Are Love) [ FT Island - You Are Love ]
4. Love Is [ FT Island - Love Is ]
5. 멋쟁이 vs 예쁜이 (FT vs PRI) (The Cool vs The Pretty) [ FT Island - The Cool VS The Pretty ]
6. 외워두기 (Memorize) [ FT Island - Memorize ]
7. 미워하고 원망하고 (Hate And Resentment) [ FT Island - Hate and Resentment ]
8. 1분 1초도 (One Minute And One Second) [ FT Island - One Minute and One Second ]
9. 사랑하지마요 (Don’t Love Me) [ FT Island - Don't Love (Me) ]
10. 사랑이라 부르는 이름 (A Name Called Love) [ FT Island - A Name Called Love]
11. Troublemaker [ FT Island - Troublemaker ]
12. Train [ FT Island - Train ]

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